Mama Bear Protecting Her Baby

Mama Bear Protecting Her Baby
Wake Up Baby Bears

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good Morning Baby Bears

Mama Bear

Good Morning Baby Bears,

Wake up and smell the honey!

It is time for you young cubs to wake from the hibernation brought on by twitter, facebook, my space, you tube, television, endless video games etc. that occupy your time and mind. The freedom you enjoy is counting on you waking up and participating in life. Your mind is a fantastic gift. Don't fall into lockstep and do what others do, vote how others vote. Judge a man by his actions and not his words. When it comes to important issues, do the research yourself. Use your mind to formulate your own thoughts and opinions. This too is a gift. The ability to formulate your own thoughts.

Have you ever taken a moment to think back to the way life was before technology? Boys climbed trees and mountains, built model airplanes and cars, swung a bat and played catch with dad, fishing, exploring and so many other physical activities. It seems we have lost our zeal and appreciation for another gift . . . physical health or other gifts if one is physically challenged in some way.

 I plan on posting little tid bits about history throughout my blogging. I don't get history from the internet but prefer older books closer to actual events. Facts rather than watered down versions of re-writes with someone's political slant.

I hope you enjoy this blog spot and I look forward to hearing from you.

Mama Bear

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